One of my bonus questions on my history exam is "What is Miss Hull's first name?" One student wrote...
Miss Hull's full name is:
'What hell is that you give us such a difficult test and do not you know that we hate tests very much
- that is only less than we hate homework and Japan so do not give us tests and if you give one please make it easier
- or we will all me mad and I do not want to see that terrible thing happens and so does every one at last I want
- to say that for our future and happiness please give us a higher grade thank you very much now is the end
(A very long name, isn't it?)
And this note, from an especially arrogant student:
Personally, I don't like this class. I'm here to practice speaking and listening skills and have an early experience of the University in the US, but not to learn just some new words that may not be used during the rest of my life and listen to some stories that aren't spoken at a normal speed.
1 visitors:
wow. . .how respectful they are!!. . . .rigggght. Honestly though the second response sounds like something I would have said to my math teachers while I was in school. I used to say, "when in life will I need any of this? There is no purpose for math in my future further than what I learned in 5th grade!" . . which is actually still true for me HAHAHA. but my word! still! You must have a lot of patience.
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